adhapi.dll |
AD harvest sites and subnets API |
0 |
adhsvc.dll |
AD Harvest Sites and Subnets Service |
0 |
Audio.DLL |
NetSpell.SpellChecker |
0 |
adlmdll.dll |
Autodesk Adlmdll DLL |
0 |
Audio3D.dll |
A3D |
0 |
audiodev.dll |
Portable Media Devices Shell Extension |
0 |
adlmPIT.dll |
Autodesk component |
0 |
AudioEndpointBuilder.dll |
Windows Audio Endpoint Builder |
0 |
admexs.dll |
IIS AdminEx sample DLL |
0 |
AudioEng.dll |
Audio Engine |
0 |
eDataSecuirty Aministration Class library ( Provide High Level, UI Integrated, Object Oriented Library) |
0 |
Audio Ks Endpoint |
0 |
AdmTmpl.dll |
Administrative Templates Extension |
0 |
IIS Admin Ex Com API Proxy dll |
0 |
audiow32.dll |
N/A |
0 |
auditcse.dll |
Windows Audit Settings CSE |
0 |
AdobeLinguistic.dll |
Linguistic Library |
0 |
AuditNativeSnapIn.dll |
Audit Policy Group Policy Editor Extension |
0 |
AuditPolicyGPInterop.dll |
Audit Policy GP Module |
0 |
AdobeOwlCanvas.dll |
Adobe Owl Canvas |
0 |
auditpolmsg.dll |
Audit Policy MMC SnapIn Messages |
0 |
audmigplugin.dll |
Offline Files Migration Plugin |
0 |
AdobeXMP.dll |
Adobe XMP Core 5.5-c014 ( 64 bit ) |
0 |
AUInstallAgent.dll |
Windows All-User Install Agent |
0 |
adprovider.dll |
adprovider DLL |
0 |
AUR.dll |
N/A |
0 |
adptif.dll |
IPX Interface via WinSock |
0 |
AuthBroker.dll |
Web Authentication WinRT API |
0 |
adrclient.dll |
Microsoft® Access Denied Remediation Client |
0 |
AuthExt.dll |
Authentication Extensions |
0 |
authfwcfg.dll |
Windows Firewall with Advanced Security Configuration Helper |
0 |
adsldp.dll |
ADs LDAP Provider DLL |
0 |
AuthFWGP.dll |
Windows Firewall with Advanced Security Group Policy Editor Extension |
0 |
adsldpc.dll |
ADs LDAP Provider C DLL |
0 |
AuthFWSnapin.dll |
Microsoft.WindowsFirewall.SnapIn |
0 |
adsmsext.dll |
ADs LDAP Provider DLL |
0 |
AuthFWSnapIn.Resources.dll |
N/A |
0 |
adsnds.dll |
DLL-fil för ADs NDS |
0 |
AuthFWWizFwk.dll |
Wizard Framework |
0 |
adsnt.dll |
ADs Windows NT Provider DLL |
0 |
AuthFWWizFwk.Resources.dll |
N/A |
0 |
adsnw.dll |
ADs Netware 3.12 Provider DLL |
0 |
AuthHostProxy.dll |
Web Authentication Host Proxy |
0 |
adtschema.dll |
Security Audit Schema DLL |
0 |
authz.dll |
Authorization Framework |
0 |
AutoBranch.dll |
AutoBranch DLL |
0 |
advapi32res.dll |
Advanced Windows 32 Base API |
0 |
autodisc.dll |
Windows AutoDiscovery API |
0 |
advctrl.dll |
N/A |
0 |
AutoDJ.dll |
AutoDJ DLL |
0 |